You are welcome to the blog of sheik Ibrahim Inyas (RTA)
this is a place where we discuss about the history, movement, deeds and spiritual life of Sheik Al-Islam.

Shaikh Ibrahim Inyass (RTA) was the best example of a Sufi according to the description “The Sufi is the son of his hour (ibn waqtihi).” He will respond to the needs of the time. At every moment he is dealing with the requirements of that moment. The Muslim who is greatest in understanding is he who submits to the rule of his hour. That is, he gives everything the position it requires in action and speech. He is a person moving with time in a circle. He does not attempt to stop time, not to become stagnant in it, nor to regress in it. His effort is aimed at continually moving forward. In the season of Ramadan he reads Quran and Hadith and presents their explanations. In the season of Hajj, he expounds the virtues of the Muslim pilgrimage. At the time of Maowlid, he recites the Prophet’s Sira,Biography and Tania.
All of this behavior characterized the Sufism of Shaikh Ibrahim. It was based on action and practice, traveling all over the Muslim world, giving speeches, writing pamphlets. In every endeavor, his goal was to direct Muslims to the right path (siratul mustaqim). His tasawwuf was not characterized by heedlessness and neglect (ghafla). It was based on real Islam, mastering the self (nafs) and rulling over it with Quran and Sunnah. His Sufism was producing and working in various fields of life on the farms, and so forth.
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